Sunday, March 15, 2009

Of some of the "Uns" that are close to the Heart

Of Some of the  “Uns” that are close to the Heart

Unearthed secrets

Unveiled truths

Unspoken thoughts

Uninterpreted text

Unfinished sentences

Unsung songs

Untold legends

Unexpressed souls

Understated emotions

Unsolved perplexities

Unexpected meetings

Unforgotten memories

Unrequited love

Unrefined expression

Undoing ecstasy

Uninhibited joy

Unscrupulous desires

Unencumbered bliss

Unbridled Euphoria

Unleashed passions

Underestimated price

Untouched innocence

Unfounded conclusions

Unwarranted hatred

Unmerited grace

Unfailing kindness

Unsurpassed beauty

Undying ideals

Unresolved discord

Unrelenting sorrow

Unforgiving hearts

Unloved people

Unexplainable fears

Unanswered questions

Unavoidable pain

Unbeatable battles

Unfinished poems

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