Friday, December 12, 2008



Isn't it profound, when you stop to think about the power that one human can have over another with words? And that the power that we have over each other depending on the context of the words spoken and heard can have such contradictory affects on the outcome of our hearts, our souls, our minds, our world...forever?

Words can wound deeply and cause pain, sorrow and grief

Words can be a healing balm to one's soul and bring comfort and joy

Words can bring war and enmity and sometimes unrecoverable decimation of one's world

Words can speak peace and friendship and hope for one's life

Words can cause hollow loneliness resulting in cold indifference

Words can bring fulfillment and bring a kindred, almost cosmic warmth along with passionate swells of emotion

Words can be nothing but empty promises and disappointments

Words can be everything that is trustworthy, sincere, and good

Words can bring Darkness and Deception

Words can bring Light and Truth

Words can bring imprisonment and damnation of mind, body , and soul

Words can bring Truth, Freedom, and Redemption

All this being said,

One might reason that there should be rules about the words we choose, who we choose to speak them to, and the timing in which we choose to speak them.....someone with enough wisdom and discretion to monitor or mediate these powerful dictions. But, there is no such supreme being and no such rules. Even if our choice leads to the most devastating of circumstances to ourselves or others...the words we speak our ultimately by our own choice.

One then, should choose wisely the words he/speaks to another for they may carry a greater meaning and power than you will ever know. 


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